12 qer 2007

A Review of A Thousand Splendid Suns

Around 2 years back as a part of our School Annual at our school we did a play on the novel The Kite Runner. At that time I simply followed the script given to us. 1 year later I actually picked up the novel and was swept away at it's breath taking power and spell binding narrative. When I heard his second novel was due this May I was both excited and yet skeptical as to whether he would be able to deliver as powerful a story. He proved that he could. His Second novel is about the lives of 2 girls namely Mariam and Laila in Afghanistan who both undergo highly strenous and trying times in life. Their lives intersect when Laila the younger of the two marries Rasheed who is also Mariams Husband. Although they initially look at each other as adversaries Rasheed's cruelty soon forces them to unite, and they forge a strong friend ship. A sister like relation. As the story proceeds their endurance is tested to it's limits as the political sitauation in Afghanistan continously deteriorates with more and more conflict. Finally they find in each other the strenght to live.Hosseini charts this new story with exceptional skill. The Story in it's self is heart breaking, but the narrative is powerfull enought to make you wince with pain yet remained glued to the story. Hosseini ruthlessly provides the reader with the cruelest of scenes, which effectively strenghten his message and enhance the story telling by creating a repulsive realism. The story serves effectively as an eye opener to the hard ships faced by the citizens of Afghanistan and the various aspects of life that we tend to take for granted. The story is powerful enough to melt the hardest hearts and to open the stiffest of eyes. There is alot we owe Mr Hosseini for both his outstanding contributions to literature and his ability to potray the suffering of our fellow humans. His book inspires compassion and thankfullness. If books can be imposed for mandatory reading then this one certainly tops the list.