12 qer 2007

A Day in the Life of an IB student

1. Wake up
2. Go back to sleep again
3. Wake up again…this time with a more determined attitude
4. Finish breakfast ( you definitely have coffee as well)
5. Leave for School
6. Greet your fellow IBers…and share you’re most recent agonies
7. Sit through classes go to the lab as well
8. Wince as with every passing class your hw workload steadily increases
9. Give that Math test
10. As school ends stay back for the numerous CAS activities. Curse the CAS programe
11. Curse the IB
12. Feel a familiar sense of panic as you realize there is no way you can finish all you’re work.
13. Make a mental list of all the work you have. Reorganize that list in your mind giving priority to subjects with harder teachers and the amount of credit that homework holds.
14. Once you finally get home log onto MSN and facebook. You have had a tiring day at school after all….and you have all night to do you’re homework anyway.
15. Eat dinner
16. Start studying.
17. Keep getting up to check MSN and Facebook
18. Phone one of you’re friends to check the progress they have made.
19. Take encouragement in the fact that they haven’t finished too much either.
20. Go back to you’re desk and stare at you’re work
21. Start talking to yourself about how important it is that you finish that work
22. Realize it’s past 3’ o clock in the night
23. Do a bit of you’re homework.
24. Think of excuses for the assignments that you couldn’t finish
25. Sleep 26. Repeat for the next day