13 qer 2007

Religion and Faith

For years now Religion and faith has been an immensely controversial topic for mankind. People have died and killed over the topic. Religion has been used by many both as an opium and as propoganda. Even today We find ourselves immersed in the same controversy. For this reason I ask myself what is religion and what is faith? Religion is a way of life. It is a collection of doctrines that instruct us how to live our lives. It is a path to enlightenment and acheivment of the inner self. Faith is our beleif. It is a beleif in a force superior to us. Some call it god.
Unfortunately not everyone follows religion the way it is meant to be followed. We misinterpret and exploit religion to suit our own needs. People die on the name of spreading their religion, which is clearly something the founders of the religion never wanted them to do. We forget the sacrifices made by those who created the religion in hope of betterment. We lose our sense of right and wrong and good or bad. We lose our compassion and our ethics. We become senseless beings
Let us not forget the purpose of any religion or any faith. Whether there is a god or not, whether any particular religion is true or not is probably not a question to which any of us can ever know the answer. Atleast not in this life. But we can learn to respect others, their faith and still mantain our own. We can abolish our personal egos and respect those who sacrificed their lives to improve the lives of others. We can live peacefully without discrimination. We are humas. For Thousands of years we have evolved from senseless beasts to kind and civilized human beings. We must not allow Religion to be our undoing. We must make Religion our strenght not our weekness. We must make faith the candle not the darkness. We must rise above senseless conflicts and develop compassion for our fellow humans. We must live, and let live....