22 qer 2007

Random ( and not very cheerfull) update

Well it's been a while since my last post....not that long, but I figured an update would do no one any harm. Things have of late been going rather badly, with the culmination of badness occuring with my SAT scores being worse than horrible ( and no I'm not going to post them up here ) Once again I find myself in that same irritating being pressurized from different directions kind of situation which is totally not welcome. It doesn't help now that it's high time I got started on that pile of homework that's as usual as big as it can get. Plus now I'm starting to get a bit more realistic about my writing ambitions. My beautiful plot doesn't seem so great now so I'm already trying to think of something else which isn't working. I guess Inspiration for a story truly can't hit a person from the blue. You've got to get your back side down on a chair and think Unfortunately there is already an avalanche of things I need to think about and I can't give a fictional story that may never get published a priority. I'm definately not going to give up. But maybe I'm going to have to give the idea of being a published author a backseat for the moment and focus on more immediate problems that I'm up against.
Well that is all for the moment...I'll be back with more interesting stuff as soon as possible In the meantime I hope you're having a better week than me!