25 qer 2007

The Indian Presidential Race

Irrespective of whoever actually rises to that office there seems to be one common consensus amongst all sensible Indians, that Mr Kalam is without doubt the best candidate. No one can deny this one obvious fact. The most educated and the least political person one could ever find in the Indian Political system. He is a man of honour and ethics . His contributions to our Nation as a scientist are in it's self admirable. Unfortunately during his tenure he has come under criticism most notable over the Afzal Execution case. However it is important we understand that in our country a President truly doesn't have the kind of power that many people claim he does. They are a number of panels to whom he must refer before making any decision who in turn do nothing better than bind him. His ability to bring about a reform is restricted due to the fact that he is nothing more than a tool of our government. Despite being considered the highest office in India there is little he can actually do. Our nation doesn't deserve a man like Mr Kalam as President. By staying in office he would merely allow himself to be used as a pawn in the dirty politics that have infiltrated our government at the highest level. Politics is not the place for an honest honourable and patriotic man. Being president would only leave him vulnerable to undeserved criticism. He would be wasted if he were President. His contributions to our nation would be of far greater value if he were in a less politicized position. Our nation is in need of men like him. But until we can remove the filthy elements who find ways to bind him and suppress his efforts to bring about an improvement in our nation we do not deserve him. By appointing him president and then obstructing him we make a mockery of our presidential system and we demean one of our nation's finest contributors. Mr Kalam come back to a cleaner profession. The entire nation stands behind you. Unfortunately by joining politics you join a brand of people who do not deserve to be called Indians. Come back to us who honour you and value you. Come back and be an Indian again