26 qer 2007

The Pursuit of Happiness part 1

On watching the film I certainly found myself thinking pretty deeply about it. Incidentally I was also interested to learn the US constitutions grants the right to the pursuit of happiness to people. And like the character of Will Smith in the film I was interested to notice the use of the word "pursuit". Everyone is indeed in a pursuit of happiness. We all work to live. And work harder to live happily. Some people find happiness in money, some find happiness in other things. But everybody tries to be happy. It is incidentally happiness as a phrase that interests me. What is happiness ? Is it different from satisfaction? Is different from achievement and security ? the other things that we all hunt for in life ? It's certainly something to think about. Life is a challenge but a challenge to achieve what ? happiness ? If so then why do we deliberately make decisions that will bring neither us or others happiness ? The though of happiness has seriously got me thinking very hard about life. Once I have more thoughts on the subject I''ll update this blog with a part 2 of this entry. In the meantime try and be happy