14 dhj 2009

Looking Back on this Blog - The Last One

It's been far too long since I updated. Looking back now it seems like this blog was merely an outlet for all my ranting. Nevertheless it's been fun. But it's time to move on now. In any case it seems like this blog has far outlived its purpose. It's time to finally put it to rest. This will be the last post here. But hopefully I'll be back soon with a new blog. One that will be less about a teenager whining about all the work he has, and more about some serious writing.


11 tet 2008

And the next update

I'm back.....and about time I think, there's been a fair bit happening. I turned 18 last week (yay!!) which is all very well, but I'm still not legally permitted to buy any 'intoxicating drinks'. That, and the fact that I have exams going on made the 18th birthday a lot less exciting than what it should have been, but honestly in retrospect what does an 18th birthday actually mean? Just that the earth finished revolving around the sun 18 times since the moment of my birth. Hardly all that exciting considering that the earth would have continued its revolutions irrespective of whether or not I was born.
But coming back to more 'earthly' matters the exams are still on, and they're starting to piss the living day light out of me. How moronic do they have to be to design a timetable that makes 6 papers drag on for 20 days? Plus the papers in themselves are pretty nightmarish. Sitting in an overcrowded, underventilated, dilapitated classroom, and writing an exam which consists of countless long essay based questions for a duration of 2 hours is not cool. And as I just realized I need a first class on these exams to stay in the English Honours program, and quite frankly that doesn't seem very acheivable right now. It's paradoxically funny how complications can arise so uncomplicatedly in our lives.
In other news I'm finally going to see Clone Wars tomorrow with Prateek, can't wait. Many people have
critized Lucas for using animation to make a star wars film, but hey lay off people, they're his fucking movies, and he can do whatever the hell he wants with them. Plus Star Wars will always rule irrespective of whether it's enacted by live actors, lego figures, or animated cartoons

Until next time

21 sht 2008

The next update

I've decided to call this entry 'the next update' out of serious lack of a better idea. I do realize though that it's been over a week since the last update. Tis a pity I missed the deadline, but I think I have a good reason. The reason being......well I'm not exactly single anymore. Yes that's right, I'm at the nascent stage of a relation. She's in the same college, and I think we've both liked each other for a while, although we admitted it openly only yesterday. It's an immense pity that the exams are so close, and they cut into whatever time we could have together, but we're trying to establish continuous communication over the phone. I term this as the nascent stage as we're still getting to know each other, and hopefully things should work out ok. We're both remarkably different individuals, but I think we share a sort of mutual respect for one another, and that's the most important part of a relation. In other news the exams are drawing closer, which is worrying, and all the bombs exploding everywhere are starting to piss me off.

Until next time

12 sht 2008

Filling in the Blanks - the past 10 months

LONG time......it's time I started maintaining this blog again. Well first to pick up one where I left off, for I notice no updates of this year exist on this blog. The past few months have been unimaginably eventful, and it's a pity I didn't update this blog simultaneously. Still there's some attempt here to cover the gap at least on a factual level

The IOC went well - Bipin's mark 24/30 which fell to 21 after moderation
The lab reports became a major cause of concern in the following weeks ( and culminated into a disaster in the case of physics )
The Mocks were ok
The IB exams were ok
Overall the last few months of the IB were the most demanding, but by and large it all worked out ok

Gaining admission into college was another painfully traumatic experience. Waiting in ludicrously long ques, while being bitten by mosquitoes. Remembering to carry the millions of documents required along with their attested photocopies. Being spoken to rudely by the people manning the admission counters all added to the frustration of applying. With the insanely high marks that most people in HSC secure the only place where I stood a chance for admission was Jai Hind, which I took up.

College in itself was difficult to adjust to. A detailed analysis of college life can be found on my facebook note. Here however I have the liberty of mentioning individuals which I couldn't do on the very public facebook. Politics exists at every level in college life, and at times that can be pretty sickening. Specially the ass licking speeches made when any guest speaker visits the college. Independent thinking doesn't exist the way it did in the IB, and the general rigour of academics is disappointingly low(Especially in English Literature) I've joined the English Honours program which has led to a pile of assignments all screaming for, but not yet receiving my attention. The first ever literature seminar I took part in today on War Poetry was a disaster of the first degree. With 20 minutes to present our work, the discussions were generalized, unsubstantiated, and terribly underdeveloped.

Exams up in around 2 weeks, and lot of other work to do. I auditioned for a part for the Annual Play, I thought the audition went ok, but I'm not too hopeful.

Well I think that fills up the gap pretty well.....a relatively impersonal and factual post, but I'll remedy that in the near future. In the meantime I must make it a point to update once every week.

4 jan 2008

The Wasteland

here we go....another update, I'm now at the end of the winter break and it's time to get back to school. This is my last extended leave in BD, wow time flies. The amount of time I've wasted during this break is alarming, and I won't discuss it, because it makes me cringe. The IOC's in a week, and I'm scared as hell. It's not so much the grade that matters, as much as my ego. I have to do well in English, especially as it is my favourite subject. Doing well in it also helps me establish my independence from my mothers fanatical love for science. It frustrates me that she still can't get over my not studying engineering, but really it's time I stopped caring about what she wants. I'm disgusted to say that I have made no progress at all on writing any kind of book whatsoever. I don't know if I ever will....
In the meantime the world continues to grow increasinly more evil with every passing minute, and survivial is going to get steadily harsher. If only T.S Elliot had not made 'Wasteland' such an insanely difficult poem to study from the literature point of view, I'd actually regard him as a genius.

11 dhj 2007


Woah, it's been one hell of a long time since I last posted. A LOT has happened since my last post to this blog, and a lot of it has been bad. Real bad Too much work, increasing pressure, and I've started smoking. High time I got my life back on track I think. Academically things have been hard, and the results have been average. The EE was one hell of a nightmare and I sincerely hope I never have to see it again. Meanwhile the end of BD draws closer,, and my future lies cruelly in the realm of uncertainity. It always has and somehow I really don't give a fuck anymore. Somehow I don't give a fuck about anything nowadays. I wonder if I've gone mad

8 sht 2007

An update from the start of the mid term break

To say I've barely had breathing time during the past few weeks would honestly not be an exaggeration. With one test followed closely by another, and a (un)healthy pile of assignments all screaming for my attention, things have really been hectic. Now with the next week off one would probably assume that things would get easier, but no such luck. The IB is ruthless to say the least, and which each teacher assigning homework as though there subject is the only subject we need to worry about this one week is probably going to be the worst yet. This week also had some encouraging developments in terms of my marks showing a definite improvement in certain subjects, but this minimal improvement has only presented it's self after hours of labour. I guess there really are no shortcuts to success, but whether or not I'm cut out to work even half as hard as required is something I'm highly skeptical about.
In the meantime my novel still remains untouched. It's becoming impossible to find time to do any work on it, which is frustrating to say the least.