4 jan 2008

The Wasteland

here we go....another update, I'm now at the end of the winter break and it's time to get back to school. This is my last extended leave in BD, wow time flies. The amount of time I've wasted during this break is alarming, and I won't discuss it, because it makes me cringe. The IOC's in a week, and I'm scared as hell. It's not so much the grade that matters, as much as my ego. I have to do well in English, especially as it is my favourite subject. Doing well in it also helps me establish my independence from my mothers fanatical love for science. It frustrates me that she still can't get over my not studying engineering, but really it's time I stopped caring about what she wants. I'm disgusted to say that I have made no progress at all on writing any kind of book whatsoever. I don't know if I ever will....
In the meantime the world continues to grow increasinly more evil with every passing minute, and survivial is going to get steadily harsher. If only T.S Elliot had not made 'Wasteland' such an insanely difficult poem to study from the literature point of view, I'd actually regard him as a genius.