18 gush 2007

Deathly Hallows...my own untitled project and more

LONG time since I updated blog. First of it's now been 4 weeks since the much anticipated Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was published. My thoughts on the book? Simply put amazing. In no means has JK Rowling dissapointed me with this final installment. Infact the book moved at an excellent pace and delivered everything that I hoped it would. Most if not all questions were answered satisfactorily and despite having read every theory possible there were still twists in the story that caught me by surprise. I think this book and Goblet of Fire are probably my favorite HP books. On the subject of books we now come to the topic of my own writing ambitions. After rejecting my previous idea, I now have have a fresh idea for a fantasy novel. I've written the first chapter or rather the first part of the prologue but I still lack a detailed chapter plan. I need to start working on one soon If I intend to produce a decent manuscript. As is always the case the chances of publication followed by success are slim, but I shall strive to do my best. On the Academic front I've come down to Math SL a decision that I beleive is amongst the best decisions that I have ever made in my life. Nevertheless I'm still struggling with my subjects including of late BnM in which the IA has been rather exhausting. For future academic plans I find my desire to study abroad gowing meeker everyday although admittedly the prospect of studying in India is hardly inviting either. As I've said on many occasions the LAST thing I want to do in life right now is get a degree and go to college. Unfortunately though I need to resign myself into acceptance that is the immediate path that I must take upon finishing the IB although that does not in the least make it anymore exciting. That's all for now.