11 tet 2008

And the next update

I'm back.....and about time I think, there's been a fair bit happening. I turned 18 last week (yay!!) which is all very well, but I'm still not legally permitted to buy any 'intoxicating drinks'. That, and the fact that I have exams going on made the 18th birthday a lot less exciting than what it should have been, but honestly in retrospect what does an 18th birthday actually mean? Just that the earth finished revolving around the sun 18 times since the moment of my birth. Hardly all that exciting considering that the earth would have continued its revolutions irrespective of whether or not I was born.
But coming back to more 'earthly' matters the exams are still on, and they're starting to piss the living day light out of me. How moronic do they have to be to design a timetable that makes 6 papers drag on for 20 days? Plus the papers in themselves are pretty nightmarish. Sitting in an overcrowded, underventilated, dilapitated classroom, and writing an exam which consists of countless long essay based questions for a duration of 2 hours is not cool. And as I just realized I need a first class on these exams to stay in the English Honours program, and quite frankly that doesn't seem very acheivable right now. It's paradoxically funny how complications can arise so uncomplicatedly in our lives.
In other news I'm finally going to see Clone Wars tomorrow with Prateek, can't wait. Many people have
critized Lucas for using animation to make a star wars film, but hey lay off people, they're his fucking movies, and he can do whatever the hell he wants with them. Plus Star Wars will always rule irrespective of whether it's enacted by live actors, lego figures, or animated cartoons

Until next time