1 korr 2007

The Pursuit of Happiness part 2

In the face of immense and in fact unwarranted (I'm not going into details now I'm a bit tired but be sure to check back some other time) boredom it is time for another update. So here's the promised part 2 of the happiness post. In all honesty I haven't been able to come up with anymore ideas on the concept of happiness, and personally I'm beginning to get the feeling that happiness cannot be defined or even obtained. It can only be felt if we search for it and recognize it within ourselves. To be in the pursuit of happiness is in the opinion of my infinite wisdom to merely look within one's self and find that which brings the person happiness. It is too accept that we are happy. It is too rise above the distraction thrown at a person by the outside world and to attain self satisfaction. To hunt for happiness through material aspects of life, is the wrong direction to hunt in. Happiness is to be found within your own mind. Through control of one's self and through mastery of one's senses
I'm aware of how awfully Buddhist this sounds but in all honestly after spending alot of time pondering this matter this is truly the only answer I can find. I can be happy if I learn to grow content with who I am and whoever I will ever be. To hunt for a betterment in the so called true world only brings forth within me discontent, jealousy and a strong feeling of helplessness. Everybody is blessed to be happy. But not everybody is brave enough to accept the true form of happiness as their real happiness, because what people believe to be happiness is merely disillusion. At least that's the only answer I can think. Maybe it's been ripped from some eastern philosophy I don't know. But I honestly believe it maybe true. Only time will tell whether it is

PS: If this seems terribly confusing then I don't know what to say. It confuses me too, but I think I'm getting the hang of it now. Ah well.....stay tuned for the next update